Novembro 2023

the art of moving

The Art of Moving: How to Make Your Move a Hassle-Free Experience

Moving house is more than just a change of address. It's an opportunity to reinvent your space, turning it into a reflection of your style and achievements. However, the road to this new stage can be challenging. Complex logistics and raw emotions can make the experience stressful. But with the right approach, it is possible to make the move a smooth process.Here are some guidelines for...

Portuguese Tax System

The Future of NHR: Significant Changes in the Portuguese Tax System

On Monday, October 10, the Portuguese government presented the 2024 Budget Bill.This is just the starting point of a process in Parliament that has some important dates: General debate: October 30 and 31. Parliamentary discussion: between November 23 and 29. At this stage, political parties can propose amendments to the initial version of the Bill. Normally, several amendments are...

Luxury Real estate

The New Affluent Lifestyle: Curated Calm

In an increasingly fast-paced and digital world, a new trend is emerging in the lifestyle of the wealthy: "curated calm". This concept reflects a paradigm shift where luxury is associated with simplicity, well-being and quality of life, to the detriment of mere ostentatious consumption. The Age of Conscious Abundance The rise of the "curated calm" lifestyle is a response to the saturation of stimuli...