Aerothermal: The Most Sustainable choice for your Home

  • buymeprestige de buymeprestige
  • 2 anos atrás
  • Sem categoria

The search for more sustainable and efficient solutions with regard to the production and use of energy has been one of society’s top priorities in recent years.

Aerothermal energy is one such solution, which presents itself as a viable alternative to traditional heating systems that use fossil fuels such as gas or oil. In this article, we will explore in more detail what aerothermal is, how it works, and what its benefits are.

What is Aerothermal?

This system takes advantage of renewable energies, as they are inexhaustible and free of charge, and in this way the user obtains significant savings on his or her electricity bill, helping the responsible and moderate use of this supply. By this means, it is possible to feed the most basic components that have the greatest impact on your home’s consumption.

This technology extracts 77% of the air that is condensed in the environment to transform it into energy consumption.

How does Aerothermia work?

Aerothermal energy is a heating and cooling system that uses renewable energy and transforms the thermal energy existing in the air, transferring it to the interior of the house in order to provide heating, cooling and hot water, efficiently and according to the comfort needs of the home.

It is a system that uses the energy contained in the ambient air to heat or cool a space. This process is accomplished through a heat pump, which removes heat from the outside air during the winter and transfers it to the inside of the house, heating the environment. In summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump removes the warm indoor air and transfers it to the outside air, cooling the room.

Advantages of Aerothermia?

Aerothermal energy is gaining more and more expression due to its advantages, as it has a great impact on sustainability and environmental responsibility, and should be a greater concern in current times.

The main advantage of aerothermia is that it guarantees environmental quality, thus reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to the preservation of the environment by keeping it clean.

It is an efficient and economical system, since it is capable of producing more energy than it consumes. In addition, all the energy that has not been consumed during the day is stored in the batteries and used during the days when energy cannot be extracted.

Another advantage of aerothermal energy is that it can be used in a variety of applications, from heating houses and buildings to heating swimming pools, domestic hot water, and even for cooling spaces. It is also a totally independent system, so there is no dependence of the user on the common electrical grid. 

Aerothermal energy is an innovative and sustainable technology that offers a cleaner and more efficient alternative to traditional heating systems. As well as being environmentally friendly, aerothermal is an economical option in the long term, and can be used in a variety of applications. If you are looking for a more sustainable way to heat or cool your home or building, aerothermal may be the right choice for you.